Arkanzasas, Mirimo rodyklė, 1935–1961
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Ieškoti Arkanzasas, Mirimo rodyklė, 1935–1961
Gimimo vieta
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Arkanzasas, Mirimo rodyklė, 1935–1961
744.411 įrašų
This collection is an index to deaths filed in Arkansas from 1935-1961. The index contains the given and surname of the deceased, the date of death, and the mother’s given name. Some records contain death location and or a birth location.<br><br>Death certificates represent one of the key primary sources for family information, typically being issued within days of a death and having many details about a person's life. Frequently, they contain age, birthplace, parents' names and birthplaces, and the cause of death.
Įrašo pavyzdys
John FletcherMirė: 1950 metų gegužės 10 d.
John Fletcher was an Imagist poet (the first Southern poet to win the Pulitzer Prize), author and authority on modern painting.