Canada, Manitoba Probate Registrations
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Patvirtintas testamentas
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Canada, Manitoba Probate Registrations
215.440 įrašų
This collection contains probate records of individuals from Manitoba, Canada from the year 1870 onwards. Records typically include the name of the deceased, the year of probate, and the court in which the estate was probated.<br><br>The collection contains information from the Manitoba Government, licensed under the OpenMB information and Data Use License.
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James S. WoodsworthWill: 1942 - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
James S. Woodsworth was a Canadian Methodist minister, politician, and labour activist. He was a pioneer of the Canadian Social Gospel, a Christian religious movement with social democratic values and links to organized labour. A long-time leader and publicist in the movement, Woodsworth served as an elected member of the federal parliament from 1921 until his death in 1942. In 1932, he helped to found the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), a socialist political party which was the predecessor to the New Democratic Party.