Niujorko mirimo rodyklė, 1862-1948
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Ieškoti Niujorko mirimo rodyklė, 1862-1948
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Niujorko mirimo rodyklė, 1862-1948
5.317.387 įrašų
The New York City Death Index contains information on deaths recorded in New York City. This collection helps individuals in locating New York City death records between 1862 and 1948. This index contains information on county and date of death, age at death and the certificate number.<br><br>The index in this collection is incomplete. You will find coverage for the following boroughs and time period.<br><br>Bronx: 1898-1948<br>Kings: 1862-1948<br>Manhattan: 1867-1948<br>Queens: 1898-1948<br>Richmond: 1898-1948<br><br>Death certificates represent one of the key primary sources for family information, typically being issued within days of a death and having many details about a person's' life. Frequently, they contain age, birthplace, parents' names and birthplaces and the cause of death. Certificates can be requested from the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">New York City Department of Records.</a>
Įrašo pavyzdys
Nikola TeslaDied: 1943 - Manhattan, New York, USA
Nikola Tesla was an inventor and engineer who is best known for contributing designs to the modern alternating current electricity supply system. He passed away on January 7, 1943 at the age of 86, in Manhattan due to coronary thrombosis.