Louisiana, Ouachita Parish Obituaries and Death Notices
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Louisiana, Ouachita Parish Obituaries and Death Notices
237.255 įrašų
This collection contains obituary and death notice records from newspapers published in the Monroe City area in Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, United States. Records date from 1825 onwards and typically include the name of the deceased, the name of the newspaper where the original obituary or death notice was published, date of publication, and the page and column number where the obituary is located in the original title.<br><br>Louisiana Ouachita Parish Obituary Records 2
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Clementine HunterPublished: Jan 3 1988
Clementine Hunter was a self-taught Black folk artist from the Cane River region of Louisiana, who lived and worked on Melrose Plantation. Hunter was granted an honorary Doctor of Fine Arts degree by Northwestern State University of Louisiana in 1986, and she is the first African-American artist to have a solo exhibition at the present-day New Orleans Museum of Art.